33 Dunstan Houses

Fermin Rocker (Author)


Publisher: Michael Coughlin
Format: Book
Binding: hb
Pages: 211
Released: June 2, 2003
ISBN-13: 9780960257478

In 33 Dunstan Houses  Fermin Rocker recalls life with his parents, Rudolf Rocker and Milly Rocker, during World War I in England.  Fermin chronicles the people who slipped into and out of their busy lives in London’s East End and the eventual arrest and imprisonment of his father  for being a native German, a high crime for which he spent months in a British concentration camp.  33 Dunstan Houses is the authorized (by Fermin Rocker) U.S. edition of Fermin Rocker’s book and comes with twenty-three hand drawn illustrations.

A beautiful hand bound, letterpress edition.

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