Pisco Sours

Ananda Esteva


Publisher: Civil Defense Poetry
Format: Book
Binding: pb
Pages: 74
Released: January 3, 2007
ISBN-13: 9780978691301

"Verde!" cries Pisco Sours. This poetry grows fresh and green on the vine. In these poems you will hear the rhythms of conquest and rebellion, boiling over in a furious song. Ananda Esteva is a skilled wordsmith, blending together the shout of spoken word and the haunting chant of traditional songs. She takes us to Chile and to the Americas of conquest and before. She guides us steadily on a journey through horror to the possibility of redemption. Join her on this march. "Alive. Vibrant. Sensuous like earth being turned and opening to us with smells of something new... a promise of the green we long for." -Janie Mirikitani, San Francisco Poet Laureate (2000)
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