Roles of Resistance Game Plans for Teachers and Troublemakers

John-Henry Harter (Author); Mark Leier (Author)


Publisher: Between the Lines
Format: Book
Binding: pb
Pages: 130
Released: September 24, 2024
ISBN-13: 9781771136280

Welcome to class. Today, we’ll be learning how to become (effective) troublemakers. 

In this classroom, no one gets in trouble for defying authority. Designed for educators and facilitators from the union hall to the lecture hall, Roles of Resistance outlines revolutionary lesson plans on how to fight the power with people power. The thirteen lesson plans in this book created by John-Henry Harter and Mark Leier can be used independently or combined to create a semester-long course. Sections include units on teaching political economy, labour history, and social activism based on democratic, experiential teaching, including role-plays, simulations, and games. The tried and tested classroom activities in this teacher’s guide—successfully applied in high schools, universities, and union classrooms—are bound to create a vibrant learning experience, enriching debates, and providing the main tool we need to change the world: collective action.

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